...pour myself a cup of ambition
and yawn and stretch and try to come to liiiiiife.
Hold that thought while I back up a smidge.
Jackie Oh's traumatic event of tragedy certainly was, well, tragic and traumatizing. It wasn't cool and I don't envy her recovery process and doctor's appointments.
But leave it to me to make band aids out of latex. I've made some all-new-life-changing-revolutionary decisions since Jackie's unfortunate hospital incarceration.
Namely, I cut a bunch out of my life.
No more volunteering in each kid's class one day a week. No more SAC committee secretary-ing. I told the Ward Music Chairman to please just, well, leave me the heck alone. No accompanying, soloing, or anything like unto it. I didn't resign as class mom, but I did make the announcement of what I am willing to do the rest of the year - no more - and other folks can just step it up. I dropped out of carpooling with another mom (who, in actuality, just had me picking her kid up every day and never contributed) and overall, have just cut back a ton.
It feels GREAT!
A little boring, but GREAT!
OK, more than a little boring, but still great.
Like, more great than bad, but not like super duper great.
Let's be honest - it's a smidge dull.
The calling is still insane, but I need a life other than that calling or I'm just horrid to deal with.
And the truth is, I don't want to go back to being class mom thrice over and volunteering at the school like crazy and going back to secretary-ing it up for the SAC committee - I really don't want to return to those stressors. The very thought gives me acid flashbacks. (OK, I never took acid, but work with me, people.)
It's not that any of the things I was doing were bad. They weren't. I was just sick of them. And I am looking for all new adventures to be sick of now.
But I would like to do a little something.
So yesterday, I got an email, possibly offering me a job. And I think it sounds perfect.
A new charter school is opening up right near where Mr. Mormon works. It focuses on science and is well-established in South Florida, but this is its first school where I live. They are looking for folks to comprise a school governing board. The board will do everything from approving teacher selection (and administrator selection as well, I believe) to budget allocations/approvals, etc.
I was nominated for the position by the principal of my big girls' school and by a personal friend. Apparently, they are looking for someone on the board who meets the demographic of those they expect to have in the school (a parent who works in the research park where the school will be located - which, my husband does), someone who is familiar with how a school works and the legislation that governs it (which serving on SAC did for me), who has worked with children extensively (hello - PRIMARY!), blah blah blah.
Anyway, I've met the requirements and will have a phone interview soon. The man in charge said he was surprised in a county as big as mine to have heard the same name twice, so he knew he had to contact me. I was HONORED! I was told I pretty much had the job IF I wanted it - but they had heard I had recently cut back on all my commitments, so they hoped I'd still consider them. (he he) My commitment would involve once to twice monthly evening meetings, and then lots of reading at home so that quick, informed decisions can be made about the school at the meetings.
It will also mean professional attire at said meetings. :)
I'm excited to find out more. YAY I know I'm the token mommy-contribution to an otherwise professional board, but someone had to take one for the team.
I had hoped to start a little lunch delivery business when 3.o started school, and was pretty excited about that. But this is something I can do now that will be a lot less labor intensive for me, and hello - I get to wear cute clothes for it! SCORE!
Wooo Hooo !
Congrats and Good Luck Mama :)
If you should need a Pea Coat for that dress up attire ......
Good luck! I hope you will enjoy this new adventure! :D
Thank you, ladies! I hope I will enjoy it too, Nancy!
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