Saturday, May 10, 2008

You know it's time to be released...

...when your VT Coordinator tells you her lesson is entitled The 6 Be's of Visiting Teaching  and you then feel compelled to make this.

Somebody, help me stop the madness.  The bees are complete with stingers.


Next thing you know, I'll be wearing ankle length denim skirts, looking forward to Super Saturday, and telling people, "I appreciate ya!" 

I'm weak, I tell ya.  Weak, weak, weak....


MNBandMom said...

I'm really not sure what to say about that.

Really 0_0

Mama said...

How about

It's so ugly it is actually cute?


Please, save yourself, don't take that any place.

MNBandMom said...

It's adorable :)

I just was more curious about where your brain was going on the time.

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

It's time this foolishness "be" coming to a halt, is what I "be" thinking. "To be or not to be," really isn't the question; this just should not be. While you're being forced into moving into your transitional state, do you want me to go to the mall with you and help you find some ankle length denim skirts? Ohh, ohh, ohh - and we can look for some of those great, multi-colored, thick socks that look so precious with the chunky, thick-soled, many strapped sandals, to complete the ensemble.

Mama said...

weep - I feel like you Bee mocking me, Jackie. I cannot Beelieve your callousness - you Beeast.

I didn't take the cake in. My counselor made the most adorable bee cookies instead, so Bees were still representing. HEY!