I'm probably no more busy than you are, but I handle it worse.
It's already Tuesday (YIKES!) and I have 2 of my newest Relief Society girlies graduating from high school today, so I need to scoot about and get flowers and goodies to them. That will be fun! Of course it's gymnastics day, so it'll be a tight squeeze to get it all taken care of, but I'm an expert at that.
Tomorrow is our last dance class day of the season - but more importantly - it is BOOK CLUB night! We'll be reviewing Escape (and I still contend that polygamy eerily parallels The Bachelor) and my house is a wreck! So I must clean and make some treats for the shin dig. I also need to figure out what time my book group is meeting. I really must pay better attention to details.
Thursday is back to gym and a host of classmom/church responsibilities to take care of and most importantly - it's the day to get ready for our big, fat, dance recital weekend! WOOHOOO
I don't have the kids' costumes altered, yet (whoopsies) and it'll be one day of rehearsing and one day of recital-ing and a lot of running around and sweating. It's a veeeeeeery long production and I'm planning on moving to the Zen portion of my brain to get through it.
On top of these small things, I still have a calling (and a sister who has to find new housing by this Sunday and she has lost her job - argh!) and working out AND I decided to do something highly religious this week.

In my copious spare time, I decided to re-read The Book of Mormon this week.
What was I thinking?
I've felt snark-y and not very patient with people lately. This is evidenced by my saying to someone about her disdain for her Visiting Teaching route, "We're all big girls and we can do hard things - I believe in you."
Umm, that wasn't probably the answer she was looking for. That was evidenced by her 0_0 (deer in the headlights) face back at me.
I thought that maybe doing something like this would help me feel more peaceful and help me get things in perspective. We'll see. You don't need to tell me that a massage would also bring about peaceful feelings and hurt my eyes less than reading. he he
But I need to get on top of my spiritual game and I think this will help me as it has in the past. I feel a lot of pressure to always be spiritually ready for drama now. This morning, I awoke to a 1:30 am email from a sister asking if I was awake as she needed someone to talk to. I love her and would have been happy to talk to her at 1:30 am about whatever it is, but I was sleeping. Anyhoo - I'm just trying to get at the point that there's never rest from the advice giving/listening ear having aspect of my life, so I need to be prepared.
In (near) conclusion, If I'm not here, I'm probably doing something relating to any of those things - or am enjoying just the general moments of motherhood - like grocery shopping, cleaning the dirt off the ceiling of the guest bath, or explaining puberty to 1.0 (because her friend and cousins didn't do a very thorough job.)
Clearly, you will all be torn up over my absence. I'd suggest watching some TV. But seeing as there are very few good shows on this week, you might be sunk.
In that case, I'd further suggest you recall some old shows you used to love, and relive them in your heart and mind. Now THAT sounds entertaining! Once upon a time, there were so many good shows. Watch them again in your mind's eye...and share here what shows you miss!
But what if "Dad" calls????? Guilt ridden week, I suspect!!! hehehe
Good news is that you ARE the time squeezing, time managing, fit in everything Mom, so I am sure things will work out fine. Then again, it may not, but you've been there too. See...you're prepared for everything!!!
You go girl!!!
Good luck.
I've decided that your blog is too tiring to read.
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