...I'll have you know 3.0 has puked not once but twice this Happy Mother's Day.
The curse lives on.
But that's pretty low-key for one of my Mother's Days. I'm still awaiting the anvil on my head.
Update - make that 3 times on the puking.

A Mormon, a mom, and her miscellaneous, merry musings...
...I'll have you know 3.0 has puked not once but twice this Happy Mother's Day.
Posted by Mama at 5:51 AM
Labels: illness, Mother's Day, puke
I'm betting it's the Saturday menu
That one waitress looked a smidge mischievous to me.
I can't believe that happened!! I loved your mother's day stories...if people could only see the craziness that is motherhood...nevermind because then they would see us all running around nekid in the house!
Yes Cherylyn - Motherhood IS nekidness at the most inappropriate times, isn't it? ha ha haaaaa
Sometime I'll have to blog about the sprinkler repair man and the no shirt moment. Ohhh - that was lovely. Stinking kids..... 0_0
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