Monday, May 5, 2008

Mama's Product Endorsements

Do you ever wander down the detergent aisle wondering if something else would be more Fantastik in getting your stains out?

Ever watch those late night informercials and ponder if the Ronco rotisserie is truly worth your hard earned dollars?

Sometimes, do you think, "I could probably look this item up in Consumer Reports and find out its rating, but I'm way too lazy"?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you have come to the right place.  I've decided to periodically evaluate some products and report in on their value here in the Mormon homestead.  Products will be rated in terms of miniMormons with 5 miniMormons being the highest rating anything can receive. 

Here, at What the Monkey, we pride ourselves in, well, not a lot because, as we all know, pride cometh before the fall. But if we were to be proud of something, it would be of our policy of inclusion. Ergo, please feel free to share your product endorsements, as well.  If you hated a product this Mormon has endorsed, you are probably wrong, but it's still important you get that off your chest and shed new (albeit possibly misguided) light on the subject.

And now - without further ado - some endorsements...

1.  Scotch-Brite Stainless Steel Cleaner (refill pads)

I grabbed these pads not realizing there is this entire system one should purchase to more systematically clean the stainless steel.  These pads are meant to accompany a "unique handle" that (I am supposing) will make the job all the easier.  oopsies

Nonetheless, the pre-moistened pads rock!  They leave a great shine on my garbage can and they have a fresh, lemony smell.  Oooh la la.  LOOOVE it. They are expensive-ish and there are only 6 in a pack, but seriously, my garbage can looks impressive.  I'd say you could eat off of it, but that doesn't sound like a really ringing endorsement.

I give Scotch-Brite Stainless Steel Cleaner (with no unique handle) - 4 miniMormons

2.  Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Flushables

If you're like me, you're often thinking there HAS to be a better way to clean a toilet. And other than refraining from using the home commode and visiting the service station down the road every night, I'm reasonably sure there's not a way to make this a joyous and simple experience. (And it's not technically joyous to go to the service station, so I shouldn't have used that example, really.)  

But there are products that will make the cleaning less wretched.

One such product are Fresh Brush Flushables.  They make it possible for you to take a quick swish about the bowl, flush the gross away, and get on with life. They are best accompanied by those flushable Clorox Wipes-type thingys, so that you can clean your seat, clean the bowl, and have no evidence (because who really wants trash in the bathroom trash can?)

I enthusiastically give the Fresh Brush Flushables - 4.5 miniMormons!

3.  T. Marzetti Asiago Peppercorn salad dressing

If you love a creamy, peppery salad dressing - this one is for you. Ohmystars - it's yummy. It's uber yummy.  It's a yum flavor fest.  And on top of all of that, it was voted 2006 Dressing of the Year by The Association for Dressings and Sauces. (Shut up!  And here it is in my lil' ole house!)

I serve this dressing a lot and it has been beloved by everyone.  Or at least, they didn't choke or gag on it.  You'll find it in the store near the bags of fresh spinach and lettuce - not on the salad dressing aisle - as it is refrigerated.  With no glutton and no preservatives - how can you go wrong?

I give T. Marzetti's Asiago Peppercorn Dressing - 5 miniMormons!!  The highest honor I can confer!

At this time, I have decided not to berate any products, but am saving that for the future when I need to get some frustrations out.  Be afraid poor products!

Now, anyone care to share some of your favorite cleaning products or foods?  Go for it!!


B.G. Christensen said...

Wow, you throw those miniMormons around like they were dice!

Mama said...

Why yes. Yes I do. In fact, they ARE dice. I have little square, dotted, ceramic children.


Nancy Face said...

I have been in love with Shout Gel for quite some time. It gets just about EVERYTHING out of our clothes! 5 MiniMormons! :)

Mama said...

oooo - good to know. Thanks, Nancy!

MNBandMom said...

I use the scrubbing bubbles flushable toilet bowl cleaner thingies and I LOVE them. It sure beats putting on a rubber glove and scrubbing the tar outta your toilet.

I also, ahem, use stainless steel disposable wipes on my appliances ( Al Gore be damned )

Mama said...

The ozone weeps at your choices, MM.

MNBandMom said...

The ozone may weep but you won't when you sit on my glistening ( yes I typed GLISTENING ) toilet seat and gaze upon your own reflection on my refrigerator door. Yes... I may go to environmental hell but at least I'll be clean.

Mama said...

What kind of liberal, environmentalist, tree-hugging whacko are you, MM? Your wanton use of cloroflurocarbons shames the party...

MNBandMom said...

I'm the kind that can't stand germs!

Mama said...

Polar bears are floating in the Caribbean because of you. Satisfied, yet?

Mama said...

BTW - I feel I deserve bonus points for use of the words "ozone" and "cloroflurocarbons" in my responses. As a card-carrying Republican, I am not even supposed to know what those words mean. Knowing those is like - gosh - a liberal who goes to the firing range for kicks!

Someone needs to be impressed, dang it!

MNBandMom said...

Ok...the truth comes are a card carrying member of THAT party?? All that Libertarian talk was just to seduce me into a false sense of security??

I hope Clorox wipes are discontinued in your store.

Mama said...

You can't vote in Primaries in my state if you aren't a registered member of the party (stupid rule.) So being an Independent or a Libertarian or Green Party member or whatever means neeeeeeeever voting in a Primary.

And of course, I was trying to dupe you. It's my favorite hobby. Now, I've gotta run - there's a noise outside! - it's a manatee weeping that your detergent love is killing his habitat - brb.....

MNBandMom said...

No...that's greenpeace...I sent them to your house. PETA is on their way too...they heard you killed a gator on your block a while back.

Oh're gonna love being president of the Rosie O'Donnell fan club


Mama said...

The light around you is turning DINGY.

I'm just saying....

mean ole Catholic....

MNBandMom said...

I can quickly brighten up my chakra colors with clorox wipes!!

Mama said...

I'm going to bed. And I leave you with this thought....

Every time you use aerosol, a cute little birdie drops from the sky with melted wings.

MNBandMom said...

But at least it's a clean birdie and no germs will touch my toilet seat.

Frankly, it's your fault I'm polluting the environment. You got Kirari and I hooked on those wipes ...all the time knowingw we were recyclers. You...are....Sanatizing Satan.