I like some reality TV. Specifically, Project Runway and Dancing With the Stars have captured my heart. I was a huge fan of The Mole - a game wherein the contestants have to figure out who among them is sabotaging their capture of the grand prize - and am looking forward to its revival. (I also like Real Housewives of New York City, but would probably deny that when not under the cover of anonymity.)
I like smart reality TV. Or at least, reality TV that does no harm. Ok - reality TV that doesn't do significant harm.
Then, there's The Bachelor. aie yie yie
I have never watched The Bachelor on the pure principle that it's demeaning. Self-respecting women line up for a chance to woo someone. Aren't we past that place in our history?
Last week, I caught the end of The Bachelor. I was channel surfing and got to witness the grand proposal. The Bachelor was oh-so-romantic. He used her full name....."Monkey." Oh yes he did! He said (this is nearly an exact quote), "Monkey, will you marry me?" sniff - who could say no to such a romantic proposal? (I have to wonder if he actually knew her name, what with all his dalliances...)
I've been thinking about why this show bugs the tar out of me. I'm not exclusive with high-minded television; certainly Project Runway isn't making the world a better place. And I'm a pretty silly girl. I love to laugh about most anything and I don't take myself too seriously. One might think the ridiculousness that is The Bachelor would be right up my alley.
But I do take the place of women in the world pretty seriously. So many women have spoken up and spoken out against being treated like a piece of meat. And here we have a gaggle of girls all competing for arranged dates with a man that producers tells them is "a keeper." Ladies living in a house competing for one man's attention...grown women sniping at each other over a guy's affections...
I just finished reading this book.
I take autobiographies/memoirs with a grain of salt. But if half of what this woman wrote is true, her life was rather horrific. She spent much of her life trying to escape a polygamous cult.
She risked her life to leave a culture where her marriage was arranged by someone who told her this man was "a keeper"...to escape ladies living in a house competing for one man's attention...to escape grown women sniping at each other over a guy's affections...
I'd love to have a woman who has escaped a polygamous cult marriage talk to these bachelorettes. Just for an hour.
I don't like most reality shows...probably because they don't seem like reality to me. I don't watch THE BACHELOR either Mama.....I think it's in poor taste for woman to be fighting over a man ( Yick )...although...don't stone me...I did get sucked into a few episodes of ROCK OF LOVE ( purely for the 0_0 value of it!! It was like a bad train wreck....bad bad bad tv!! ).
I love shows like Boston Legal, House and The Tudors. The only reality show I watch regularly is HELL's KITCHEN. I find I enjoy seeing people get yelled at 0_0
MM- I think you'd like the book Escape.
I bet I would love that book Mama - I have placed a ban on me buying more books though until I finish the stack I have now. I will add that to my WISH list though :)
Neat...I have to type in PMS as a code ...lovely.
Matt's "Monkey" is 22 yr old Shayne Lamas ... daughter of Lorenzo Lamas.(remember him from the 80's ?)
Not that I was watching ... I just HEARD about it, yeah thats it 0_0
Soooo the Bachorlette starts tonight. I am curious, do you gals feel the just as strongly when its men competing for a woman ?
ROFL, Drama!! I get ya on just having heard about it.
I don't like the dudes fighting for the chick, either. And you can see how much I respect gender, status, and relationships by the way I call folks "dudes" and "chicks."
I feel the same as Mama - it sort of skeebs me out to watch shoes like that. I also wonder what message it sends young folks.
Frankly - more than anything...they bore me 0_0
Watch HOUSE tonight - it's on in 30 min *wink*
SIGH - to watch SHOWS like that...not shoes.
Oh - and who loves that I have Stupid Girls as the song for that post? HA HA HAAAAAA
MM - it's silly to be against reality TV shoes. Find a new cause.
I have seen some really great shoes on reality tv....
Drama shrugs
MM puts on her boots....
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