Tuesday, March 4, 2008

(Not) Rolling, rolling, rolling with my homies...

Look, I know folks have real problems in life.

I know my son is not having surgery, I don't have a kid who will need daily injections, and I know how blessed I am.

But today, I'm grieving a loss of something. Just a smidge of grieving. Not GRIEVING grieving like, "Oh - let's send Mama some Prozac!" but more like, "Mama's wiping a tear."

It hit me today leaving Publix (God's gift to us via a grocery store chain) that it was the first time I can remember where I didn't have a little buddy in the store with me during the day. And that I won't have a little buddy regularly grocery shopping with me during the day again. I didn't need to trek over to the cookie counter for anyone now and I didn't get asked if I wanted a free balloon for the car trip home.

It dawned on me that, on those gorgeous Florida spring days, I won't have a dinky pal to take to the park before all the big kids get out of school. And while I read my book in said park, I don't have anyone with me who will run around and play with the other kids while I try skillfully to ignore their mothers so I can read more of my book. In fact, if I go to the park now with a book and no kiddo, the other moms will keep an eye on me, wonder why I'm there, and try to match me up to any face they have seen on America's Most Wanted.

I realized today that I don't have as much of a reason to listen to classical music in the car all day to help anyone's brain from getting mushy. (I tell the kids that classical music will help their brains un-mush from all the TV they watch.) 3.0 calls it "Butterfly Music." I can listen to it now, I suppose, but I'm content with my level of mush-brain and think I'll switch to XM 156. But I didn't realize I could even make that switch until I was basically home from errand running.

I dropped 3.0 off at school today and went to the grocery store directly afterwards. And as I pulled up to the store, I said, as I typically do, "Ok Banana Butt - what do you want for dinner tonight?" Only to realize my Banana Butt was in school now. For 8.5 years I've had some little munchkin in that carseat behind me who I chit chat with as I do my errands and who I have asked what she wants for dinner. But now, I'm free. Free meaning "alone." No pal to errand with. No little-person reason to sit in the park on a sunny day and read.

I kid-swap with another mom on Thursdays and I called to tell her now that 3.0 is in school, she won't need to babysit for me. Of course, she immediately said that I didn't have to watch her daughter anymore. I basically begged her to let me keep her baby. I explained I think I'm going to be a little lonely and need a pal. How lame am I?

Many of my friends have stuck their kids in school the minute they were able (or the minute they had to.) Very purposely, I've kept mine at home. I like them. I like hanging with them and I like that the house doesn't feel so empty. No, I don't love every minute of child-raising, but the last year has been pretty perfect with 3.0 and I've enjoyed it especially knowing this was the last baby to be home. I've kept my kids here when they were tiny as much for them as for me. Every mom loves her kid her own way - and it's not wrong. But I like mine at home when they are little. And I was lucky enough to get that. A lot of moms wish for that, and it isn't what is in the best interest of their child or their family, I know. So I'm just reminding myself that I lived what I wanted for a long time.

But right now, I miss having a tagalong.

In a week, no doubt, I'll LOVE IT.

And in the summer, I'll wonder why the flock I ever wanted them home at all!


MNBandMom said...

FLOCKING SNIFF!!! There's something harder about the youngest going off and doing big kid things that's harder - at least it has been for me.

What a wonderful Mama your girls got!!

Mama said...

Thanks for the nice compliment. I don't know if I'm really any good, but I do like them, mostly.

The last kid doing the big kid stuff is hard - especially when you weren't expecting it, I think. But she's happy as a clam there. That makes things easier. Not easy, but easier.

Drama "O" said...

May I just say I LOVE that you have Queen on your blog .. one of my FAV's !

Awwwww I get it Mama, it's hard when the last one goes out into the world.
The first time I had to put Nick on the van by himself to the Autism preschool I was really sad.

You are a GREAT Mom !
The next time you feel lonely pick up their favorite (or yours and share them with them)cookies or desert at the store and have a missed ya picnic with them when they get home.
In a sense they will still be with you at the store then !

I am soooo happy that things are going well for 3.0 :)

Mama said...

OK - that is one of my favorite songs of all time, Drama. And I'm totally in love with Mr. Mormon, but it's just such a great song! It spoke to me for that post.

Thanks for being so understanding. It's not the end of the world or anything, but it all hit me yesterday when I was talking to someone in the car - but no one was there.

I think I'm going to suck up summer with them all like a straw. :)

MNBandMom said...

BTW, I know where you can get tons of "TAG A LONGS"


Mama said...

Do your tagalongs have bright blue eyes, freckles and curly hair?

So - how're the cookie sales going? Better than the near- ER-blood-leaching-procedure this morning?

MNBandMom said...

Ok listen.... HOUSE has made me paranoid...ok!?!!!

Jenna sold 112 boxes of cookies and Mark tried to open most of them

Mama said...

If it was 112 boxes of Thin Mints, I'd try to open 'em too. I LOVE the Thin Mint. (I love that kid. Get into the goods, Mark!)

Edy's Thin Mint ice cream rocks, too.