Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We came, we camped, we kicked some butt

So - we Mormons are camping people. We liked it. It rained some - and that was even funnish (no matter how my cussing might have indicated otherwise.)

The miniMormons were good. Goodish. 1.0 and 2.0 were especially faaaaaantastic. 3.0 was sicker than a dog. She about coughed up a lung, but what's a vacation without the wonderment of if an ER trip is in one's future?

Now, I try to keep this blog anonymous. So there's quite a bit I can't post. Like, you know, my social security number. I'd love to show my creative projects, but many are out on display in our home, which would surely out me. (And my ward is having a competition to see who can find my blog first - little cuties.) But as none of my homeys hang in my master bath, it's kosher to show you that. And I've tried to find some anonymous-y trip pictures to share, since I can sense y'all are clamoring for the snapshots. (It's amazing how I read your mind, I know.)

So! Here's our site. We put those tents up ourselves. OH YES WE DID! Mr. Mormon was a Scout person, so he knows campy-ness. But I was still impressed that I helped (did I mention the rain?) without having a wicked potty mouth and without wrecking a tent!

On our trip, we did plenty of campy things. We looked at stars (it's scary that my children know more about constellations than I do), we watched movies outside at night, we swam and walked and played and went on a wagon ride.

We canoed. I think it's safe to share this completely unidentifiable photo of 3 Mormons canoeing. (2.0 and I kayaked.) Aren't they cute? Why do I ask you - you can't see 'em? But you get the gist....

The best part of camping, IMO, is the physical activity. Ft. Wilderness is a huge camp-place. Like, ginormous. And boy, we really worked hard getting around. We were all about communing with nature. And our golf cart helped us commune. It worked so hard toting us all around the park. Thanks Golfie! I surely lost a pound or two from your hauling my buns around.

All in all, camping was a blast. I wouldn't recommend taking a sick kid with you, but I WOULD recommend Ft. Wilderness. It is real as real can be camping. No one is setting up your tent for ya or cooking your dinner over the fire. But the golf cart alone makes it aaaaaaall worth it. 0-20 in like, 3 minutes!


MNBandMom said...

Sorry the baby was sick but it sounds like it was a good time anyway?? :) In all good times,someone must make a sacrifice - ty number 3 for falling on the sword.

Drama "O" said...

Looks like a GREAT time there Mamamormon !

Lets set one of those tents up on our balconies in April !!

Glad it went well, hope 3.0 is doing better now :)

Momijimanjyu said...

Lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy using the golf cart! LOL

Hope the baby cakes is feeling better.

MNBandMom said...

Well, I'm thinking that the Boy Scouts now allow the use of golf carts in place of long hikes. At least...that's what I heard.

Mama said...

We weren't lazy, Momi. We were conserving energy. (Calorie burning energy, that is.)


Drama - clearly, we will get tents on the ship for our balconies. Duh.

MM - that kid was hacking a lung, but she was a trooper who really didn't whine a TON ton. She was clingy, but the other 2 kids were so so so great, it wasn't a huge deal. YAY!!!