Wednesday, February 13, 2008

And now in my copious spare time...

...I get to add 3-year-old school to my insane schedule.

3.0 (our youngest miniMormon) qualified to attend a special preschool to address some of her "issues." It's weird to feel relief and regret simultaneously. Of course, I wonder if I "did" something to her. Too much TV? Poor nutrition? I let her sleep a ton as a baby - I probably could have been working with her more during those times.

But however Mother Nature and I flocked her up, she's already flocked - but the good news is - there are (theoretically) un-flockers who will de-flock-i-fy her. We'll see!

Of course, I worry about what will happen in this class. Who else will be in there? Will she learn bad habits? What do we do if there is no improvement? How do I get her to wear a backpack? How do I explain to someone who doesn't really understand that I'm not leaving her forever, just dropping her off for the day? I wasn't really planning on sending my 3-year-old off to school - but here she goooooooooes.

I'll try to muster some happiness for the first day of school pictures for her. She'll have no clue what is going on, and I'll make a perky scrapbook page pretending we were all just thrilled.

Flock it all to heck.

The good news? I'll have more time in my day to do more church crap. yay

I'm glad we know what's going on. I'm trying to focus on the gladness.

The other thing I'm "glad" about - well, "glad" isn't the best word... I'm glad I kept going with this and stuck to my guns that 3.0 isn't functioning in the world like other kids. While it stinks to be right, I was right when it counted. Last night, I found myself being snarky to a couple of women who had insisted to me that 3.0 was just fine and I was overreacting. They told me about a year ago, when I tried to open up to them, that she was probably spoiled as the baby and that dealing with her was like parenting other "normal" children and that I just didn't know how badly other moms had it. The insinuation was that I was out of touch.

Now, 3.0 will go to their children's school and they told me they'll wave to her - they know where those special angels are with their special angel playground. They look so cute and those women have other friends with kids in that class, so it's like we're all practically related now. I'm not the only parent with a special angel that they know - they know gobs of special angels and their parents! Of course, they've told me how wretched those angels are, but have forgotten what they shared before.

Not being bitter to everyone who told me she was fine will be a struggle. I have to remember that I hate the delays and to be angry at/about them and to not be angry at well-meaning people.

I think 3.0 will be cool in the end. I think we can get her to where she needs to be so she can function and connect with people. I was right that she needed some help, and I hope I am right about this.


MNBandMom said...

It may be rough in the beginning, but she'll do fine. Mark rode a bus at age 2 and put his back pack on like a pro.

I sincerely doubt she'll pick up any bad habits - most of those preschool programs ( in my experience ) are big on "how do we ask nicely? " or "use your words not your hands " mantras. Plus, my money is on Annie to stand on her own ground.

In addition, did nothing "wrong" -- in fact, you've been so wonderful at being a Mom that others didn't pick up on something being out of wack until now. The angel will thrive and grow ( and so will you *wink* )

Mama said...

Yay - another growth experience. Color me thrilled.

Thanks for the kind words. We'll see!

MNBandMom said...

Oh man I hear ya. I hate having to do this " growth shat " but apparently God isn't through with me yet.

Momijimanjyu said...

Oh my am I ever feelin you on this!!

Mama said...

Thanks Momi. How's your baby doing in school now?

Momijimanjyu said...

She seems to be doing ok.

Drama "O" said...

Hey Mama...

Annie will do WONDERFULLY I have no doubt.
She has you, Dad and her sisters to help her through. Thats as good as it gets :)