Drama-O - this story sounds like it should have taken place in your world. But it happened to little ole me. Plain Mormon Mom. Well, Plain Mom turned RESCUE HERO!!!
My friend is having a baby today and had to be at the hospital at 5 am. I told her I'd come to her home at 4:30 am so I could babysit and she wouldn't have to wake her son.
So, I was toodling down the road minding my oooooooown 4-something-in-the-morning business when what to my wondering eyes did appear but a car flying backwards into a house....and the bushes of that home catching fire?
Immediately, I dialed 9-1-1. Then I saw a dude jump out of the car (that was now stuck into the home's front porch) and run to the end of the block. The fire at the home was getting bigger - mostly the car was now engulfed, but a third to a half of the front porch was now burning and it was spreading easily. While I was on the phone with 9-1-1, the punk jerk firestarter face jumped into another car and drove the heck AWAY!
I wanted with every fiber of my being to follow his smarmy buns down and perform a Citizen's Arrest, but sadly, there was one of me and someone's house was on fire, so I really needed to tell the people inside that they were in dire straits more than I needed to stalk a criminal.
I kept the fire rescue man on the phone while I went on the (firey - yes FIREY) porch and rang the door bell about 300000000 times. A woman comes out to see a car, now engulfed in flames, on her front porch. She had a fire extinguisher, but it didn't do a fat lotta good.
I was still on the phone with fire rescue man when I heard a loud "pooooooof" noise and he said, "Are you still OK?" He'd heard the loud poooof, too. It was, apparently, a tire exploding. He told me to get out of there as all the tires would probably explode. I was really only too happy to get off the porch because by now, the fire was pretty hot and pretty big and definitely not more than 10 feet away from me.
I raced off of the porch and was finally able to give the home's street number to the rescue man. Fire trucks were still 4 minutes away, he told me, but he said I'd done all I could do and needed to stay away. I'd already made the same determination that I wasn't going in to save animals and fish and stuff. I'm cool - but I'm not THAT cool.
I had to leave before the fire trucks and police got there as, well, I still had to babysit so a family could get their new daughter! I left my info there and then watched the news like a hawk to get the scoop.
When the angel I'm babysitting woke, I quickly loaded him up so we could go back to the scene of the crime. I met the woman whose doorbell I'd rung and she just started crying and saying she couldn't believe I did it. The neighbor had had her home run into by the car, as well. When she looked out the window to see what had happened, she also saw the flames, and sent her son to the back door to alert the family. She'd called 9-1-1, as well. Apparently, she didn't know I'd already been rescue heroing it up for them, but that's OK. There's room in town for two of us.
The home that was crashed into had a major support pillar knocked off it's (huge) front porch. The house is inhabitable, as the fire didn't spread there, but there's no going on the porch - the roof is not fully supported.
The home that was on fire is pretty bad. They have removed the car (it was stolen.) The porch and the front first floor of the home and pretty well destroyed. Windows broken out, etc. Apparently, if I am understanding it right, I didn't need to tell the woman her house was on fire as the car crashed almost into her bedroom!!!
The perps fled and there aren't a ton of leads right now. Interestingly, the on-duty security officer who was about 6 houses away neither heard the huge loud crunch sound of the car crashing into not one but two homes, but he also never noticed the fire. Real crackerjack of a guy, huh?
They believe 2 cars were drag racing, one lost control and went into the two homes, and then the other car came and picked the escaped driver up.
All of that before 5 am, folks. I'm expecting a key to the city and a medal of valor any time now. No one has contacted me about it, but I'm sure it'll be coming. Maybe they'll have a parade and name a park or something after me. Ya never know!
The link wasnt working but since I am cool I figured it out.
Congrats to your friend on having the baby also.
She's a champion! 9 lbs 10 oz girl with no epidural. She got induced after 6 am and delivered at 10 am. HEEEEEEEEELLO!!!!!
Get Out 0_0
SuperMormon !!!
WTG Mama !
I am gladly tossin my Dramas shoes over to you :)
Hand me your cape, Fobster. There's a new super hero in town, pardner.
Holy Crackers. And I thought I've had bad days. LOL. And all before 5 in the morning.
I hope it got better after that. did you go buy youself a box of little debbies and self medicate? That's what I woulda done.
Go Rescue Mom!!!
teehee - thanks no surfgirl. I surely needed some Little Debbies. The family I was sitting for had a box of Entemann's donuts out for me - 2 of those had to do (chocolate - of course.) :)
What a CRAZY story!!! In my book you were a rescue hero before that day, but at least now the rest of the world knows it!!!
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