Tuesday, March 18, 2008

First Loves

1.0 has her first crush.  It's been cute to watch and I think she's chosen to fall in love with a great guy.  He's strong, smart, and while he'd be darn lucky to have her, he's pretty unattainable. I have no worry as a mother about her ditching elementary school and eloping with him.  

This crush has opened some lines of communication for 1.0 and I.  We've talked about dating, how you act when you like-like someone, and what to do with your wands while on a date. 

That's right - my kid is in love with Harry Potter!  


Anyone else remember their first crush?  Mom - yours was surely on Lot.  Aren't you so glad you didn't hook up with him?  eeek


MNBandMom said...
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MNBandMom said...

Oh for flocks sakes - how does one edit on here!! I post like I'm an idiot.

MNBandMom said...

Listen...don't knock LOT - at least his ex wife is good for party games and seasoning food.

My first crush was Roy Rogers. Now before you think I'm 20 years OLDER than I have admitted to.... I used to watch old Black and White movies of him and his singing cowboys on Sundays. This was pre-cable and pre-anything good on tv. I think Roy was popular in the 1940's.... he and his horse Trigger, they were smokin' mon!!

Mama said...

Roy Rogers? OK - even you have to admit - that is pretty dang funny. Thanks for sharing!!!!!!

MNBandMom said...

Well I WAS 5 for heavens sakes!!

Drama "O" said...

Seriously .. Roy Rogers ?? 0_0

OKKKKKK, well I am only a few months younger than MM but I remember my first crush being on Chad Everett from the show Medical Center.

Google him Mama, he was cuter than Roy Rogers
I'm just sayin...

Jackie-Oh Cleaver said...

Okay, that's it, Missy Model Mormon Mama person . . . I was all right with the caldron comment . . . "hehe," I giggled nervously, "that Mormon kid is soooo funny." Now, however, I think you have gone just too far and we may be finished. Lot? LOT?!? You know I have never cared for old salts. Now, Esau, THAT was a cool guy - that could have worked except for that whole selling his birthright thing. But . . . LOT? That's just MEAN, Missy!

MNBandMom said...

Take her down Jackie - She's weak!

Mama said...

Esau? You never struck me as someone who was into furry men.

snicker - I love mocking you. It's almost as fun as mocking Marksmom.

Jackie-O - seriously - you have to blog. You'd have a FOLLOWING!!!! Of course, no one would believe your life was true. Just think - on a blog - you could mock your horrible staff!!!!

Mama said...

And Drama-O - girl - without even googling, I'm sure Chad Everett was hotter than Roy. Not knocking your love there, MM, but ROY ROGERS? GIRL!!!! That's like saying your first crush was Captain Kangaroo!! It's hysterical!!!

MNBandMom said...

I was flocking 5!! What's a five year old know!!

I do remember Chad Everett ( Medical Ctr ) and he was a hottie ( of course, I was 10 by then and my taste had changed ).

Mama - did you tell your Mama that you gave me damaged skin this week??

Mama said...

Listen Mrs. Roy - I gave you good advice. You just chose to ignore the whole latter half!!!

Good news - I heard Roy thought sun burns were hooooooooot. :)

I'm trying really hard to remember who my first crush was so that you can mock it, too! I'm thinking thinking thinking but can't remember who it was.

MNBandMom said...

Pee Wee Herman