Do you want to complain, every two weeks, that the church-provided food isn't good enough for you? And comment, in particular, that the bread is really bad and you wish you could get good whole wheat bread?
Then watch out. Because I don't suffer whiners well and I'll set up a personal bread-making class for you and buy you some wheat flour and yeast and call it a day.
That's right, I sure the heck will. And you'll learn how to make your own dang bread next Thursday at 10 am.
And next time you complain that the church doesn't give out good fish, I am seriously going to hand you a fishing pole.
Sometimes, I feel like the mom of this gang. I love 'em, but I'd like to put a few of them in time out.
Rut roh... did the woman that thinks the moon landing was faked complain about the stuff you brought??
This woman is making me nutters with the insults about the church food. I think what hurts so much is to see people skrimping in order to donate and then she doesn't appreciate what she gets. She likes all the Deseret brand products (which are most of the products) but the church uses someone else for bread, milk, and chicken. And she really hates Nature's Own bread. oooooooh boy do I hear about it.
So, I made a call and voila - she's now learning how to make her own bread. :)
ROFL!! Brilliant!!
Ask jackie o - when I've had enough, I've had enough.
No clue where I get that from....
Luckily, I have not experienced that with you 0_0
The moral is... you should have stayed on MSN with Mit and me this am and yakked with people that appreciate your bread :)
"No clue where I get that from . . . " Is that what you said Mama Mormon? I'll TELL you where you got that from . . . a 5'2" spitfire great grandmother who held her family together through the Depression and told stories of waiting in bread lines to get days old loaves of bread to feed her family. You stand up for the humble loaf of bread . . . it wasn't always a luxury . . . it kept bodies alive. However, be glad you had a spitfire grandmother to keep your relatives alive . . . I would have painted my toenails and toddled off to the beach.
Yeah - it couldn't have been a 5'7" mother who used to tell off the people in the Payless.
I can appreciate the humble, gooey loaf of store bought bread. Why can't she?
Mom - I'm going to harm some of these folks. Or better yet - send them to work at your li-bary!!!!
Those people in the Payless started it! :-p I don't know that I would get that rowdy over a loaf of bread but shoes?!? Now, that's another matter!
Is Jackie your mom, mama?
About the bread, I am glad you signed that ungrateful B up for bread making classes!!! Why does she need food assistance in the first place? Too lazy to work?
The folks at Payless obviously provoked you Jackie - they are a vicious lot ( the plastic fumes from the shoes turns them into Old Yeller ). You have to be suspicious of any enterprise that has Star Jones as a spokesperson ....
Today, I bought her a bread pan, too. She said she didn't have one, so the class would be useless. he he he
Yes - Jackie O is mama'sMama. :) And she's meaner than a snake. Bewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare. ;)
LOL meaner than a snake? Thats what MM says about me. Woot!
Nice to meet ya Jackie O. :)
Mama, thats hilarious about you getting her a pan. LOL
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