Two things I never in a million years thought I'd ever say:
1. Priscilla Presley is enjoyable to watch on DWTS.
2. I had a good experience going to the Wal Mart super center today.
Pris isn't someone I'd invite to my sleepover, but she's reasonably enjoyable to watch dance. Her face (surprisingly) moves a lot more than I thought it would considering it's state of Botox-ness.
And today - at Wal Mart - not only was I first in line for a register, I was greeted out in front of the lines by someone asking if I was ready to check out. Knock me over with a yellow smiley!!
I always thought Wal-Mart was a friendly and considerate place to shop. Why, they're so helpful to everyone that they often carry those heavy ski masks near the cash registers for those robbers who accidently left theirs at home.
And for the rest of your readers, yes, our Florida Wal-Marts have stocked ski masks right next to the place where lots of cash is stored and exchanged.
I noticed last night that Presley had more fun dancing.
Wal Mart....sigh....I go every week.
Mr. Mormon - you are a big ole liar liar pants on fire.
Momi - don't you want to take LMP by the hand and tell her she's more beautiful wrinkly but able to smile than with that Joker face? sigh
(And no worries about Wal Mart - I hear Tom Bergeron shops there, mon.)
Thankfully the Walmart here is clean AND the people are nice. Maybe its a midwest thing. lol The ones in SoCali are completely opposite. Especially in LA.
Pricilla didnt get the boot last night. I can see her going a couple more weeks.
I fear Priscilla will be like Marie Osmond...deserving to go, but fly under the radar for a while.
Momi - my Wal Mart is like a So. Cali Wal Mart. I am going to get knifed there one day. weep
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