Saturday, March 22, 2008

I am thankful for the Relief Society in my home...

I heard a pretty cute talk today. It was by a man filling in (at the last minute I might add) for the Stake President at our Relief Society birthday luncheon.  He was a little rough around the edges (I can relate there) and obviously not used to speaking extemporaneously - and I loved his message.  Really fresh and enjoyable and the speaker was rather endearing.  He's a country boy who wore his best Wrangler suit and boots to church today.

He said a few things that will stick with me.  In particular, what moved me was when he said, "I am thankful for the Relief Society in my home. I've had the Relief Society in my home since I was a child, and I am grateful for its influence on me."  He went on to thank the women for everything from the good food that they cook to keeping men straight. 
I've heard many a grateful testimony about how having the priesthood around is a great comfort. But I've never heard someone expressing how much it means to them to have their wife honoring the Relief Society declaration.  You hear the typical, "I love my wife so much" kind of line from Mormon men - but to have someone say, "I'm thankful to have the Relief Society in my home" - gosh - something about it made my heart want to pop with happiness.  

He spoke about the differences between men and women and said that being a man trying to get something done is like having a row boat and only one oar.  He shared that a man with one oar will have a hard time getting to a good fishing spot in a lake.  He's likely, with only one oar, to go in circles and he'll have to work very hard to travel in a straight line.

Then he said that having a good wife is like having 2 oars in the boat - you can straighten yourself out with her paddling and you will be probably get there faster.  She might hit ya upside the head with the oar at times, as well, which isn't necessarily all bad.  

His simple comments really left a big impression on me - I'm glad to have been raised in a home where the Relief Society was present and honored. And I'm grateful to have the association of 5.5 million other women in the world who believe who might have different interests and talents and cultures than my own, but who also believe in the power of charity and service. 

And I'm glad to know I'm "purty.  Just real beauty-ful!"  He handed out some nice compliments about the Relief Society sisters and I'm still loving those, too!


Momijimanjyu said...

Im not an active member but I get it.

Mama said...

Thanks, Momi! :)