Well folks, one of our very own isn't doing so hot.
Jackie O - aka, "Mama'sMama" is in the ICU right now after suffering from a brain hemmorage. (Gosh - I so don't know how to spell that word.) It's in her right temporal lobe and her blood pressure has been insane - but I'm looking at her right now and she's peaceful and sleeping. I think, when all is said and done, Jackie O will be O-cleaver-K.
It was shocking to hear that your 55-year-old mother, who just babysat your kids and made you dinner the night before (after spending the day with you at IKEA and celebrating her birthday) had a seizure and had to be put on a ventilator.
I've thought a lot the past few days about that ventilator. At first, I was just mad at it. I thought she didn't really need it and if they'd just pull it out, we'd be a step closer to recovery. I convinced myself she didn't actually need a machine blowing anything into her and this was melodramatic.
Then they tried to remove the ventilator and she couldn't breathe on her own. Suddenly, my entire perspective changed hearing my brother say, via phone, that it didn't work. I now loved that ventilator and wanted to thank it for all it had done. Thanks for every break you gave her, Vent. Thanks for every bit of energy you saved her that her body could use to heal another area.
Yesterday, I came in and met the vent head on. I figured, alrighty - if you're here to stay - I will know you well. I researched how to read it and what each of the many numbers meant. Me and Vent were homeys. I wasn't scared of it anymore. I knew it - it knew Mom - we were kosher as a New York deli.
Today, the vent is gone. And, while I can't say I'm grieving its departure, a certain part of me is even more scared. I'd learned the vent and what it meant. Now I have to learn how a feeding tube works and worry about the unidentified infection. There's worry about if she'll recognize us (she didn't recognize me, yet) and when or if she'll go back to work. Heck - her just sitting in a chair tomorrow scares me and I'm scared for anyone within ear shot when she gets a wind of what they have done to her naturally-red-hair-that-gets-slightly-refreshed. That won't be pretty, my friends. Her hair is an art form - and they've taken a mallet to a Michelangelo.
I hated that vent - and then I appreciated it. And isn't that the way with trials sometimes? You can hate them as you are going through them. And later, you can almost wish them back as they'd be easier to wrestle then your new worry.
I was just writing on another blog recently that my life is good right now, but you never know when that will change. Life hasn't always been easy for me or for my family. I feel no guilt anymore when my life is happy and full and drama-free. There are so many of these cruddy-ventilator-kinda-times, and it's a satisfying thing to appreciate the goodness when you have it.
Having your mom have a stroke isn't fun. You start to get excited for the very little things - like that she opened her eyes and that she was able to say she's hot. And you start to wish for your own ventilator that would breathe energy and life, patience and strength through you. I think in this case, prayer is as close as I can get. Although I still think I'll ask for a valium.
Mama ....
I have a good feeling about Jackie Oh'Cleaver. You just don't mess with someone who has a ' in their name.
Trust me on that, I have already done the bossin ;)
It may seem like a long road getting there but she and you will get there. In the end I feel she will be ticked that this thing had the nerve to interrupt her life and she will rally back in spite of it.
Keep your chin up or I agree that Valium can be your friend from time to time too.
Goose bumps at your post - I could FEEL the emotion in that Mama.
I don't know why shatty things happen to people; I truly don't. For if I did, I'd be a rich woman and I'd avoid troubles. But alas...shat does happen to people.
I love what you said about not feeling guilty about the good times. Advice we should ALL heed.
As always....candle lit.
This is from Strangewomen ( who is having problems posting here ):
Hi, mama
I miss you. I read your blog. I was so very sorry to learn about Jackie. She is now in my prayers, as are you.
I had a food tube for about 18 months (6 months on IV before that). It does not hurt the patient at all. If you have any questions about it from the perspective of the patient, just pm.
Oh, and I had an infection in the hospital too. The abbreviation was TRE, but I forgot the whole Latin name. It is very common bc despite everything,evern people who work in a hospital don't wash their hands.
Much love and my best wishes, Rosemarie.
Hey girl!!!
I will keep y'all in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending some hugs and kisses.
I hope someone is taking care of you now since you are AlWAYS taking care of others in their time of need...let me know if you need me to come down and lay the smack down on anyone. How I wish I was there to give you a hug in person and watch your kids for you. I don't know Jackie O, but knowing what I know about you, she must be one strong lady. Keep us updated!
From Gee ( who surprisingly can't figure out how to post here ):
Oh Mama, I just don't know what to say.....it's shocking news.
I am so, so sorry to hear about your Mom. She and all your family will be in my thoughts and I'm already busy sending the best possible thoughts to all of you.
Hang tight...ya'll can do this!
(((mama and jackie oh and all)))
thinking of you
awww - thank you each one!! Drama - in lieu of valium, I did consider an Advil PM, but resisted. :) We'll have plenty to talk about on that cruise, huh???
MM - thanks for the candles and passing on the well wishes of others to me through this! HOW KIND! I still want to hear more about your vacation.
Momi - can't you find a flashy emoticon/picture to represent this situation? ;) Thanks for the prayers!
C-Dawg - you'll be happy to know that Jess and Katie kept my kids this week. Oh - my MIL did, too, on Sunday. It's Spring Break, so the word hasn't spread a ton. Poor Jess had Ward Conference by herself as Sar and I were gone. oooopsies! It's nice to have someone who has lived in my world tell me I deserved some help - you are too much!
El - you are on my blog? I love you (and everyone else who is here) - thanks! You and I can compare parenting-our-parents notes.
Mama, huge, giant hugs & sloppy kisses to you and yours!
Would you mind telling MM that I can so figure out how to post here?
Thanks, you're a doll....
GASP!! Gee you made it!!
The world is right when the buzzhead is around....it just is!
"Momi - can't you find a flashy emoticon/picture to represent this situation? ;)"
Do you want Playboy or Hustler flashy? LMAO
I will find a pic!!! I will. Check my blog later. LOL
"Thanks for the prayers!"
You are welcome honey. Anytime!
Gee - are you saying you want me to make MM eat the olives? he he
Thanks so much for the kisses and wishes and prayers. My mom was TALKING last night! Real live normal sentences that matched her personality. Based on what they told us before, I just cannot even believe this!!
Is anyone else noticing that Mama's Mama made a miraculous comeback after Gee posted here??
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