....hoping her kids aren't naughty but nice.
Mama(Mormon's) leaaaaaaaaving town.
She'll be bobbing on some big waves
and scootering round Key West.
She's ready to have lots of fun
as her cruising buddies are the best. WOOT
So you better not pout,
better not cry!
Better not tell any Internet lies....
Mama(Mormon's) leaaaaaaaaaaving town!
OK folks - try not to get banned, stalked, or put on posting restrictions anywhere while I'm gone! Be good - choose the right - and someone make sure Jackie Oh goes to bed early every night and rests a lot.
I've never been put on posting restrictions by anyone. Does that make me un-fun as a blogger?
:( I feel so uncool now.
You are still cool, but if you want to be FIERCE, you're gonna need to get banned or post restricted or something.
I'm just saying.....
Now I feel all Christmas-y inside!
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