Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sometimes, it's best to be out of town

Well homefries, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

Did y'all check out our sweet digs (featured above?)  We know how to live!!  I wasn't sure it would float, but it did and we had a blast!

It was a great time bonding with Drama-o and Captain Jack.  We're all a little browner and a little more rested and totally not ready to deal with real life.  In a tribute to Hemingway (we were in Key West, after all) I'll let Drama share our little gem, The Pea Coat and the Sea.  

Speaking of real life, I am not at all sad to have missed out on home life for 6 days while I was gone.  See - 3.0 got some sort of creeping crud that eventually landed her in the pediatrician's office with a 104 fever.  The same day, 1.0 was complaining that her throat hurt, so at the last minute, she escorted Grandma and 3.0 to the doctor's office.  While there, the female doctor (who Mother-in-law was sure was a nurse because she is a woman) found some strep throat and a mystery infection hanging with my homeys.

Amoxicilin to the rescue!  Now, our grocery store gives out many prescriptions for free - and that is one of them.  No cost - no nothing but picking that stuff up and doling it out to your angels. Sadly, though, for free, they don't add the flavoring to that bad boy that makes kids not want to wretch it out.  Mother-in-law was wrestling trying to get the kiddos to swallow it. Stinks to be her!*  

So, Mother-in-law comes home from the "nurse" to find that the fridge had died and the freezer items had melted on the kitchen floor.  GOOD TIMES!  Luckily, our friends stowed the rest of our food for her and called the repair man. They had also picked up 3.0 from school when they called to say she had a fever and had to go home.  I love them!

I feel badly for Mother-in-law, but am not at all sad to have missed it.  Sounds to me like the PERFECT time to have been on vacation.  I came home to antibiotics-ed kids and a running fridge. 

I learned a couple of things from going away this time:
  • dirty, ripped, random pea coats can be fun.
  • kids can be sick and live without their moms.
  • 70-year-old, leather-skinned women should not wear silver, lame bikinis. Ever.  Even with blood red lipstick.  Especially with blood red lipstick. The 5 carat diamond did not distract us enough, ya know?
  • always show your babysitter where the thermometer is - because it's hard to explain its location over the phone bobbing in the ocean.
  • no matter how much laundry you did pre-vacation, someone will still somehow find some amount of your underwear and will wash it. And will explain to you how to better get stains out.  Oh yes - feel my mortification with me, friends!  It was just utterly Fantastik. **
Perfect vacation - interesting home return - and now I'm ready and raring to go celebrate 2.0's birthday!  She's reached the ripe old age of seven!  Life is good...

*Update - I took the meds back to the pharmacist who laughed that my kids won't drink the stuff and added flavoring in about 45 seconds.  Ahh - a mother's touch!

**The stains were from red paint - and no, I didn't paint my walls in my panties!  The paint went through the shirt and onto the....wait - why am I explaining this again?  Apparently, I wasn't mortified enough first explanation through....


Edward Sizler said...

Well, well, well, I feel compelled to answer this blog, seeing that I've been a stalker here since the beginning. Sounds like you had a "Fantastik" time both on your vacation and when you got home!! heehee

Aren't all female doctors nurses? I'm so confused!! I mean, if doctors are higher than nurses, aren't they automatically nurses by default?? Nevermind, I'll google it later!

How wonderful that 2.0 is now 7 years old! What a doll she is. Important Fact: On your birthday week it is important (and clearly 2.0 already knows this), to not get 'the crud' while all around you are dying. How could you possibly get gifts and appreciate them if you're dead???

Note: Jackie-O is MUCHO better and thanks all of you for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. I can tell she's much better today as she is balancing her checkbook for the past three weeks. Now, my request to all of you.....PRAY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!

Nancy Face said...

I'm glad you got to go play! I'm NOT glad somebody was snooping in your underwear...EWWW!!! Red paint, indeed! Hahaha! ;)

So if 2.0 is having a burp-day and is 7, how old is 1.0? ;)

I never want to see bikini lady...EVER...but I want to see her diamond! :D

Mama said...

Nancy - The diamond was FAB! But the bikini was not fab. I think the Face family would say "ridiculous!" :)

1.0 is 8 and she'll be 9 in August.(Perhaps that is too young for Zack-face, but she's an old soul!!!!) 2.0 is 7 (and a day) and 3.0 is 3 and turning 4 in May.

3.0 really warmed my heart yesterday. She doesn't talk much, so sometimes we don't know what's going on with her. So I looked over yesterday and noticed she was VERY busy with some computer paper and her Curious George stamping set. She just smiled and me but didn't say a peep.

Later, I noticed she had folded her Curious George artwork up like a card and left it by the other and gifts and cards for her big sister. sniff

Captain Underpants! he he he

Since you are married to Jackie Oh - I really thought you'd be "Mr. Meat Cleaver." Instead, I guess she is "Mrs. Underpants"! YIKES!

Momijimanjyu said...

ROFL your blogs crack me up!

Drama "O" said...

Random Pea Coat Stories will be coming soon.

Fancy Women can't live without them.

MNBandMom said...

I'm glad you girls had a ball!!! Jag is thinking we should do a shorter cruise with you all next time - I am dead serious mon!!

Who wants to hear these girls tell us about the pea coat?!?!?!? ME!! ME!! ME!!

MNBandMom said...

Ohh and should I be nervous that someone calls themselves Captain Underpants???


Mama said...

ROFL! Fancy Women!

Everyone start chanting "pea coat pea coat" until Drama gives in to us. :)