Sunday, April 27, 2008

Posted by Mama at 6:00 PM 22 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Water park observations
Today, our family went to a new water park in our city. It was a blast. It was 2.0's birthday gift/party and a good time was had by all.

Posted by Mama at 3:57 PM 6 comments
Labels: fashion don't's, Mama's Musings, water parks
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Life in paradise
It's pretty good living in Florida. It's lovely a lot of the year. The clothes here are great. I was just reflecting on that a couple of days ago, in fact. You can wear cute flip flops and sandals all year and that makes my feet oh-so-happy. Style-wise, anything goes and it's fashionable to be fashionable. Sure, it gets hot down here - but there's a pool every few feet. It's always green and gorgeous and there's continually something in bloom to make you smile.
Posted by Mama at 4:22 PM 6 comments
Labels: gator
Monday, April 21, 2008
Visiting Teaching
I ran into my friend today. On Sunday, she'll be set apart as her ward's Relief Society President.
Like me, her husband is in the Bishopric (mine is second counselor - hers is first.) We both have 3 young children at home. Both of us had been serving (happily!) in Primary before this call.
Posted by Mama at 5:32 PM 8 comments
Labels: Relief Society, visiting teaching
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sometimes, it's best to be out of town
Well homefries, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
- dirty, ripped, random pea coats can be fun.
- kids can be sick and live without their moms.
- 70-year-old, leather-skinned women should not wear silver, lame bikinis. Ever. Even with blood red lipstick. Especially with blood red lipstick. The 5 carat diamond did not distract us enough, ya know?
- always show your babysitter where the thermometer is - because it's hard to explain its location over the phone bobbing in the ocean.
- no matter how much laundry you did pre-vacation, someone will still somehow find some amount of your underwear and will wash it. And will explain to you how to better get stains out. Oh yes - feel my mortification with me, friends! It was just utterly Fantastik. **
Posted by Mama at 6:48 AM 8 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
She's making a list - checking it twice...
....hoping her kids aren't naughty but nice.
Posted by Mama at 7:46 PM 3 comments
Labels: vacation
Saturday, April 12, 2008
101 things to do with a shoe holder
Or, like, two. Maybe three. Ten, tops.
First, take your average, everyday door.

All the odds and ends from Super Saturday crafts and kids' school projects now have a home. FINALLY - a place for extra ribbon and the hot glue gun that is NOT a kitchen cabinet or anywhere in your bedroom closet!

With a simple shoe caddy, kids' hair stuff becomes well-organized and it's easy to find the perfect bow to coordinate with your new monkey-sneakers. Arrange the accessories in color coded order and have some roygbiv peace of mind.
But wait - that's not all! You can hang one over the door between the garage and the house and folks can put keys and wallets and cell phones in a handy spot! Small toys can easily be stowed away and found again with a glance! And no floor, counter, or closet space has been utilized. From the front, you have a nice looking door. Only your family knows the little secret that hides on the back!
Posted by Mama at 5:22 PM 6 comments
Labels: cleaning, organization, shoe holder
Friday, April 11, 2008
Life is unfair
Posted by Mama at 5:41 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
My first game of TAG
Posted by Mama at 5:54 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sure - Jackie might be in the hospital...
...but we can't only focus on that, can we?
Posted by Mama at 6:54 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Jackie is...
...eating, talking, breathing, and mocking others.
Posted by Mama at 3:41 PM 6 comments
Labels: Jackie Oh'Cleaver
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Jackie Oh'Cleaver
Well folks, one of our very own isn't doing so hot.
Posted by Mama at 1:21 PM 13 comments
Labels: hospital, Jackie Oh'Cleaver, ventilator