Sure - we recognize the above list as sins. But periodically, I like to request that you, my gentle homeys, help me rate some of the less easily categorized transgressions. Ponder with me, once again, to determine if this is a sin? And if so, is it
Totally Telestial
Somewhat Satanic
or should I be
Auf-ed to Outer Darkness?
So - riddle me this? Is it a sin to have a potty word in your favorite exercise song if you really REALLY run faster to that song and you somewhat consider that, well, a spiritual experience? Does anything change *if* you find yourself, when in extreme shin pain, turning your iPod up louder to better hear the angry potty words and then, uhh, smiling?
Definitely Outer Darkness. FYI, I'll be seeking a Temple divorce, you wicked, ungodly woman you.
Well, don't try to come back once you leave - because, on my jog this morning with my dirty word song, I learned, "I A'int No Hollaback Giiiiirl."
I need to know the word before I can weigh in. It wasn't RETAIL was it?
The word is.....maverick. 0_0
Well shoot - you might as well pack your bags now for the hell highway.
You used the "M" word!!!!!
Well, as you know I have a potty mouth so this is NOT a sin. LMAO!
Just no potty mouthin in front of the kids......
YAY! It's not a sin - Momi said so!!!!! :)
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