If you purchase a new brasierre to better support you during workouts....
And if, saaaaaaay, the undergarment is not offering the anticipated benefits and, in fact, rather hurts when you move more than one inch in any direction...
Then....it is a worthwhile endeavor to check and see if said undergarment is on, uhhhh, inside out. Because you might have just really hurt yourself for nothing.
Additionally, I'd advise one to check on the inside-out-status of the support item before spending, let's see, most of the entire day flinching in pain at movements even as small as a yawn or, well, the raise of an eyebrow. Really - just check it out.
I'm just saying. You'll thank me later for that handy tip, homeys.
Mama, I never said you could post that picture of me. Please remove it.
Someone needs a shave!
I love that you are in touch with your softer side, honey!
I am feeling a bit queasy, now . . .
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