I am looking for some great podcasts to grow attached to in my copious spare time. Any recommendations? Be aware that I'm a nerdy girl and like educational and churchy things, as well as news stories - generally - I prefer things that make my brain bigger. Things for kids would be cool, too.
So? What'cha got for me?
Thank you, people of the interwebs!
I'm waiting for Jackie's response 0_0.
Jackie who?
"OH" - Jackie OH!!!! "How sharper than a serpent's tooth . . ."
Oh looky what the blog dragged in....
How nice of you to join us Jackie. Are you one of the pod people? Know of any good podcasts?
Jackie....Mama steps on cracks...just sayin!
Someone's birthday's coming up . . . I'm just warning - ahem - saying.
She loves anything made with MAYO!!! Also, She loves...LOVES...tacky over the top jewelry and anything from Walmart.
Hope that helps!
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