Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Look away, Mr. Mormon

This image is one artist's rendering of my Sunday. On the left, we have a member of my Bishopric.  The Bishopric member's lack of standard Sunday-go-to-meeting tie clearly shows his disregard for order and, frankly, all womankind.   On the right, we have myself.   This was as close a portrait of Beelzebub and Catherine Zeta Jones as the artist was capable of producing.

(Mr. Mormon has heard me whine about this subject, already.  So, Mr. Mormon, now would be a good time for you to exit this blog.)

But, for those of you who have not yet heard my tirade....

They (meaning the evil Bishopric of which Mr. Mormon is a part) took my VT Coordinator without asking.  Gone. Poof.  The week of our big Visiting Teaching Training meeting - the week where we are training 5 brand-spanking-new Visiting Teaching Supervisors.  I have no lists.  No papers. Nothing to give them.  And the old VT Coordinator is not typically inclined to be super helpful in these types of situations.  I don't even know what I need to ask for because I'm still a new President and am still reasonably unsure myself of how everything works.  WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH  *

Now, when I asked for a simple Enrichment Leader, if took WEEKS to get said person because no one wanted to leave the other auxiliary in a lurch. But one auxiliary needs a teacher and POOF, my Coordinator is gone without so much as a, "Hey - will this work out for you?"  Of course, she was cool as a cucumber to me on Sunday because this is the second time she's worked with me as a President and she's been released when she didn't "want" to be.  It's the second time I've gotten to come off looking like a bad guy with her, and I'm pretty well sure at this point, without a ton of work on my behalf, our relationship is shot.  Oh - and she is my visiting teacher.

I can sense that you are livid on my behalf. Thank you. It means so much.

I think the problem of not having a coordinator is well on its way to being solved, but dang, that was so uncool.  You'd think sleeping with a member of the Bishopric would get you more consideration.  

On the upside, my first funeral as a RS President went well.  My biggest faux pas was, when thanked for playing the piano at the funeral, saying, "Oh - it was my pleasure."


Did I seriously say that? As it was coming out of my mouth, I thought to myself, "STOP!  DO NOT SAY THAT!"  But my tongue and lips just kept on going in spite of my brain's frantic pleas to swallow that comment.  Why could I not have just said, "You're welcome"?  Why did I need to improvise?  Heaven help all those I try to comfort in this job. Hopefully, they'll have comfort from some other source...

* Perhaps I have over exaggerated the evilness of said Bishopric. But when you're in the thick of your crisis, they really seem to suck more than usual. I reserve the right to wax poetic about them in the future and not have any one point of that I previously mocked them.   


Mr. Mormon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Mormon said...

Your Honor, I plead not guilty by reason of temporary insanity and chromosomal deficiency.

Yes, all the facts as laid out by MamaMormon are true and accurate. Yes, we did the evil deed of which she wrote. We also knew that the RS wanted said VT Coordinator released. And, Your Honor, we are males after all. We saw something that needed to be done and sooo.... we did it. Did it occur to us that the VT Supervisor training was just 7 days away? No. Did we go through the normal process of conferring with the affected auxiliary? No. Were we thoughtless and inconsiderate in our timing and efficiency? Yes.

But can we be blamed? Can we help that we think and consider less then our sisterly counterparts? Of course not, that is part of the missing set of chromosomes from having the smaller Y instead of the larger X. It is not our fault; it just part and parcel of one of the two things that start with 'P' that the men of the Church currently have than the women do not.

Why didn't the Bishop confer with the Mama? *shrug* I dunno, perhaps he assumed that the member of the Bishopric that sleeps with MamaMormon had already discussed it in detail with her. And we know the thing about assumptions, right? Well, that one came true, but mostly for Mama due to no fault of her own. ;-(

Sooo, see Your Honor. It was not action of a reasoned set of individuals. Obviously we had to be insane at the time to do anything that would anger the RS Pres. And our gender does just not allow us to be sufficiently thoughtful and considerate. It's not our fault really! Honest... I ran out of gas. I, I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR!!!

(Bonus points to whomever first identifies the movie quote)

(MrMormon looks into the future and sees many flowers and chocolates and other assorted bribes for Mama)

(I had to make a minor edit to the post)

Mr. Mormon said...

Besides, it gives Mama some good material to blog about... :->

*Ducks and runs for cover*

(Hmm, MrMormon ponders when it might be safe to go home...)

Mama said...

I still do not like any of you. You are Outer Darknessed to me, although you ARE funny. Mildly funny, that is.

B.G. Christensen said...

Yeah, in my experience, sleeping with a member of the bishopric brings nothing but trouble. Sleeping with the primary president, on the other hand, has all sorts of great benefits--like getting your child into nursery before she's eighteen months.

(Disclaimer: I have never actually slept with a member of any bishopric.)

Mama said...

Mr. Fob - you are currently the only man on this blog that I like. :)

Please tell me Foxy is not currently the PP? Was she when you had S-Boogie? aie yie yie

BTDT - but my kid was evil when I was PP and wouldn't go to nursery. So it was a year before she was to leave nursery that she finally went in alone. weep whine gnash teeth more

Mr. Mormon said...

*Nods sagely at Mr. Fob* I, too, have had the experience with sleeping with the Primary President. Although in my case, it meant more watching of my own pre-nursery child and sub-ing for nursery or a primary class. I'm not quite sure how that maps to a benefit, tho'. Hmmm.

B.G. Christensen said...

Foxy was called as PP when S-Boogie was about a year, if I recall correctly. So yeah, that did mean I had the fussy baby with me each and every week for Sunday School and Priesthood until she was close enough to nursery age that we could fake it, but I avoided subbing in Primary by apostatizing. Not that, you know, I'm recommending you apostatize. I'm just saying there is a way to get out of subbing, even if your wife is the president.

Mama said...

Blessings on your family's heads for Foxy being PP with a little baby!! I'd love to say that if that happened to me, I'd apostatize - but it did and I didn't - but I did become very hostile to anyone who asked me to do anything. Which, I think is a close second.

Mr. Mormon - Thou shalt not gripe about previous Primary service when thou hast recently and summarily dissed Thy wife. Cleave to that, Priesthood Pants.

BTW - where are the flowers and chocolates?

MNBandMom said...

How does one leave a comment on these darn things???

Mama said...

Looks like ya did it, MM!

MNBandMom said...

Whooohooooooo!! I did!! I am not completely tech challenged!!

Ok...where's the free tupperware you promised me!!??

Mama said...

No Tupperware until you actually prove you've read anything. (Altho I must admit to being VERY impressed you came and posted!!!)

MNBandMom said...

You mean I have to read the entire blog or just the posts Mr. Mormon and mr. fob made??? MM nervously looks at her watch.....

Mama said...

(sings like Dory on Nemo)

Just keep skimming...
Just keep skimming...

Drama "O" said...

Mr.Mormon Quote:

"Your Honor, we are males after all. We saw something that needed to be done and sooo.... we did it."

Mr. Mormon before I read on one quick question ...

Does that apply to laundry as well ??

(Kahlik grabs some popcorn while waiting to see which of the "Mormons" responds first)

Mama said...

Kahlik - I'll be the first Mormon to respond. Lemme just tell you that in this house, that quote does NOT apply to laundry.


Mr. Mormon said...

Heh, as if I would even be allowed to do the laundry. But first, I would have to actually *see* the laundry. Most such household issues (laundry, dishes, dirt, etc.) are invisible to those of us with a specific dominant gene. So, again, not my fault!

Drama "O" said...


"Most such household issues (laundry, dishes, dirt, etc.) are invisible to those of us with a specific dominant gene. So, again, not my fault!"

Ya know Mr.Mormon I'm prediciting a Speedo/Wedgie KILLER moment for you in the very near future. 0_0

Mama said...


I have made a decision.

Mr. Mormon will be completely forgiven of his misdeed if and only if he jet skis in a Speedo on the cruise.

What say ye, Kahlik?

MNBandMom said...

Kahlik, me thinks Mr. Mormon will pass on the speedo...what say ye?? However, should he relent...I hope Mama gets him a monogrammed one.

Momijimanjyu said...


BTW, Momi here. :)

Mama said...

Hey Momi!!