Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The best thing about Pres. Hinckley's death... that he's back with Sis. Hinckley.

He's spoken so much about her since she passed away and you could tell he missed his best friend. While I'm sad to lose the man who has been the prophet through most of my life's major milestones, I'm glad that he is reunited with his darling, DARLING wife.

I'm also glad he's been released from his calling here.  Can you imagine having the same, weighty calling for so many years?  I've been a President for most of the past 4 years, and I'm wiped out from it. I never want to be in charge of anything again. But what an example he is to me of patience in your leadership. Always a smile and a joke from him!  

I feel like Pres. Hinckley has been my prophet since he's been through a lot with me.  He might not be personally aware of my life's goings on (although I'm sure right now he could look them up if he cared to), he's been the face of the LDS church as I went through different trials.  He was the prophet when I decided to not go on a mission and to not marry in the temple, much to the chagrin of many, I remember.   He was the prophet when Mr. Mormon and I had early marriage financial craziness and legal trials.  He was the prophet for each of our children's births and through various stays in the hospital and medical messes.  

I'm not saying life has been made easier because he specifically has been my prophet - but certainly, there was an example for me to look to, when I desired to.  His was always an example of happiness and candor.  You never saw Pres. Hinckley looking glum or speaking miserably of what was required of him. Instead, he radiated a simple peace that attracted so many to him and to the gospel.  You never heard someone who met Pres. Hinckley and didn't like him - Presidents, political leaders, religious leaders, moms, dads, kids and LDS leaders - everyone had a kind word about Pres. Hinckley.   

While Pres. Hinckley was alive, I'm not sure I looked to his example often enough. But just reflecting on his life - his love of the sisters - his charm and wit and humor - his service without complaint - his attitude that all would be okay in the face of turmoil - his innovation  - his use of technology to the best interest of the church - the way he ended everything telling us how much he loved us and prayed for us.....I'm hoping to focus on more of that and apply it to my own life. What a great man who will be sorely missed by many of us.

Well done thou good and faithful servant....


Mama said...

FWIW - Mr. Mormon and I ARE sealed. Come McCain or Hil - we're together forever. Until libs us do part. :)

MNBandMom said...

Honey, I hadn't heard this news. I'm sorry but I loved what you wrote about Mr. Hinckley.