Monday, June 30, 2008
Yucky things I would rather do...

Posted by Mama at 12:02 PM 10 comments
Labels: kids, old, play dates
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Dear Homeys,
Posted by Mama at 8:12 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Please help your friendly RS President
Posted by Mama at 4:52 AM 16 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
What are you not sloppy about?
Tonight, our family had to have A TALK. Some little folks's mouths were getting the best of them lately and we've had some issues with typical summer antics. Bossiness, whining, eye rolling and hair tossing, picking fights with sisters - those types of things needed to be addressed now before they got to be too much. Now, I have to say, we have great kids - but even great kids need reminders about what the rules are. We had a discussion over dinner about some of the unacceptable behavior and we told the kids just how fantastic they really are. Typically, we have kids we can take anywhere and not be embarrassed. They're the kind of kids who when you say, "It's time to leave" they don't whine - they pack up - and they sit by the door patiently waiting while their mom (who talks too much) doesn't shut up for another half an hour. We know how great they are and we just needed to remind everyone of some family rules. Nearing the conclusion of our discussion, we wanted to be sure they understood why we were talking about these things and we wanted them to know how much we love them. We hoped they'd know that when their behavior and choices are good, we can do so much more as a family. So we said to them, "Do you know why we are telling you these things? Why we're reminding you of the rules and how we need to behave?" And 1.0 said, "You're telling us this stuff because you don't run a sloppy place." I loved that line! In the moment, sloppy parenting is a lot easier. And trust me, I do more than a fair amount of it. I wish I was a better mom - especially seeing as I am married to SuperDad. If I were a better mom, I wouldn't look so pathetic in comparison. But I do appreciate that the kids noticed that we aren't trying to be dictatorial or unkind or overbearing - we're just trying to not be sloppy in our dealings in our family. I needed that reminder this week - to not be sloppy about what is important in life. Thanks kids! So, is there/was there anything you refuse(d) to be "sloppy" about? (And my apologies to those who read the other blog. But I thought this might be a good discussion topic!)
Posted by Mama at 4:48 PM 7 comments
Labels: parenting
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Oh. My. Stars
My favorite is the grandma who sometimes disappears into the flag.
Posted by Mama at 1:46 PM 5 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Posted by Mama at 7:24 AM 14 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Can I feng shui with Annie?
Posted by Mama at 6:48 PM 4 comments
Labels: decorating, Feng shui