Now, for the longer, more serious, more mama-fied version.
Thanks for the emails and comments and reasonable advice and for worrying about this young mother with me. Thanks for opening up your hearts and sharing your stories and helping me get a clue on how to help this mom and her child.
Thanks also for your patience as I use the wrong words, say the wrong things, and muddle my way through appropriate adoption/teen mother lingo and sentiment. I am trying to learn!
I think when some folks envision the internet, what often comes to mind are inappropriate pictures, Dateline exposes on child predators, and their cousin who is (unsuccessfully) using eHarmony.
It's too bad that we don't often associate goodness with the Net. I have many anonymous and real life pals who come here and have reached out and have offered assistance and guidance for this tricky situation, as well as many others. And I thank you for your time. I know time is a precious commodity - and I appreciate you giving me, these issues, and these women I serve some of your extra minutes. In my heart, I want every sister's situation to receive my best educated and enlightened attention. Y'all sometimes help make that happen!
Life is a little wonky here at the moment, and if I can't comment quickly, please know I am still very appreciative. I feel like between the Spirit, my family, my insightful and perceptive real-time counselors, and my many e-counselors, I am made better and more fully able to offer assistance to others. Thank you... I hope I can someday pay y'all back - just - ya know - not with cash...because I like to buy stuff...he he he
So here's to you!
Well I'll be the first to post it but I won't be the're da bomb!! I know my life is much more enriched and fun with you in it. Plus.... you make awesome "carrot" bread too *wink*
All I'll say is "you didn't fall far from the tree". You know how much I love your mother. Same goes for you.
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