If you are Mormon - you understand the word, "calling" in a different sense than those who work for AT&T. In our church, a "calling" is a churchy job that you do with no promised recompense or reward (other than heavenly, I hope.)
Mormons expect a lot of their volunteers. Our church has no paid ministry, and you'd think we'd all be a wreck on Sundays, unable to function well. Instead, we are a streamlined, well-oiled, highly trained machine. It's amazing to see in action. Each member does some job and in turn, an entire congregation functions on Sundays - as well as during the week. Volunteers are running Cub Scout packs, playing the organ on Sunday, cleaning meetinghouses, paying church bills, counseling people, teaching folks English and gardening and how to budget. You name it - Mormons probably have a calling for it.
For the past long while, I've had callings in my church. I serve others because I feel, in doing so, I am serving the Lord. Poor Lord - I am not always the best servant. Sometimes, a calling is overwhelming and more often than not, I am ill-equipped to meet the challenges ahead of me. I have been blessed with excellent counselors and friends (and internet pals) who have listened to me, brainstormed with me, and helped me not be an idiot nearly as much as I would otherwise have proven. Still, I'd say I fail more than half the time. And I'm not being gracious there - I've had a boat load of failures.
Often, I think to myself, "Please! Let me not have to do this anymore so I can focus on other things for a while/so I can be less embarrassed of my shortcomings/so I can take a nap."
By often, I mean
usually. Usually, like, every day.
Multiple times a day.
Today is a little different though. Today, I am humbled and thankful to have the opportunity to serve in my church.
A year ago today, I sat in a meeting hearing that 3.0 was developmentally delayed, had speech, communication, and comprehension issues, and frankly, she was waaaaay behind on the curvy racetrack that is life. I had tried multiple times to have her evaluated and had been dismissed. It took a lot of perseverance for me to find someone who would listen to my plea for help with her. I KNEW what kids her age should be doing because I had a calling working with children every Sunday in 8 different congregations. I was with children her age every week for several years - and between training, manuals I'd reviewed, teaching curricula, and raising my own chil'uns, I knew developmentally, 3.0 was a little different. But it took a lot to find someone to listen.
A year ago today, listening to the suddenly grim prognosis, I sat there thinking, "THIS SUCKS! My kid should have had help sooner - but no one would listen. I don't have time for a kid who has issues because I'm too busy helping everyone else. I don't have time to bathe - much less do therapies!"
If there was ever a time I didn't want a calling - it was then. I wanted to just focus on my family and not serve anyone but 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 - and maybe Mr. Mormon, if I felt like it that day. :)
But today - a year later, I sat in another meeting hearing how well 3.0 is doing. I left with an excellent IEP that will allow her to have all the services she needs next year...and will allow us to discontinue some she has grown out of already. I sat there today thinking, "Thank you for my calling! Thanks for helping me become an expert in little kids. Thank you for taking my very meager, humble, never-enough-service to others and using it to save my angel from confusion and misery. Thank you for helping me know how to help my family."
As we serve others - we can only better ourselves and grow. Even in our mistakes - we learn what to neeeeeeever ever try again (ask my mom about her taking a crazy lady to lunch trying to be a friend. he he heeeee - but see Mom - it was a learning experience - you now know to ignore the crazies.) As I sit here watching 3.0 struggle with making her Christmas card thank you notes and telling me, "Are they gone be so love it?", I know her communication skills still aren't perfect (nor is my thank-you-note-timeliness - but come on - better late than never!) She still doesn't count to 20 or know how to make her letters. She can't conjugate a verb or use a personal pronoun and prepositions bewilder her.
But I know where she should be headed and what else I can do to help. And I know that when we were down to the wire and I needed help and someone to listen about 3.0's plight and I could find no one, I was blessed in a most surprising way with just the right help I needed. And I know I will be blessed again.
I am grateful to all the folks who serve me every week - from bringing bread for the sacrament, to making copies to speaking to us on Sunday. I'm especially grateful to the people who provided ME with such excellent early childhood education training and who let me learn and experiment with their children every week. Without that, who knows where we would be today. A big fat thank you to all the nursery workers who needed training from me and to the others who didn't show up week after week - allowing me to become a nursery aficionado!
So I keep on serving. I don't serve that well all the time - but hopefully, I serve enough that others' lives aren't quite so dreary. Because today, as I look at my own life, it's not nearly as dreary as, a year ago, we had expected it to be.
This was so wonderful to read! I'm happy for you and 3.0 that she is making progress! (((HUGS!)))
There was never a doubt regarding 3.0, if you have ever had the chance to spend time with her. She's funny, charismatic and very charming when she wants to be. I think a lot of her situations may be that she just doesn't want to do what you want her to do and she knows how to get around it. If you've spent any time with her you know that she's continually thinking and planning. Don't worry about the speech stuff. That will come with time. She's very bright and we all have something we are working on continually. For me it's hair, but that's another story. :-) Glad to hear you are encouraged. You should be! Kids live up to the expectations that you set for them. Hers are high. She'll do just fine.
Your calling was from God and clearly he knows what he's doing. You have had your struggles, but through it all you brought an air of dignity and class to all you've met and worked with. They are truly better for it. This world needs more people like you. For all this and much more, you are very loved! Thanks for all you do.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, NancyFace. I read you recently had a calling switch and let me just tell you - I'd LOVE to have the power of building coordinator. No baptism for you until I get treats, sucker. :)
CU - you are too kind. I think 3.0 is pretty cool. Today, she told me she cannot be a hippopotamus because she only has 2 feet. What's not to love about logic like that? No doubt - she is doing well in life because she gets extra love and care from folks like you. Of course, it's probably where she gets half a dozen neuroses from, as well, but we won't go there.
BTW - did you love Blondie's CALL ME as the song for this post? he he heeeee
Neuroses? Moi?? Jackie's been talking again hasn't she???? I have to figure out what to do about that. She's getting pretty nervy lately. heehee It can't possibly be that I'm really neurotic can it??? Nah...
3.0's logic is flawless! I'm just concerned that her semi-fetish with hippopotami (how do you spell that anyway??), could cause you problems in the future. I just know one day we will be awakened by a frantic phone call from you saying that there's a hippo in your living room. You know how persuasive she can be. I suggest no trips to the zoo or Animal Kingdom until this phase passes.
SNIFF!!! Mama - what doesn't kills us makes us stronger?? Something like that?? I just had a similar conversation with a friend today about " we land where we're supposed to " and how things always happen for a reason.
3 is lucky to have such a perceptive Mom and Dad.
"I am so in love for this post ! "
She is making wonderful progress and she has a great Mom to help that along.
WTG #3 !!
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