Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When the dog poops in your pocketbook..'s time to call it a day.

At least, that is what I've always thought. But - live and learn! - you can begin your morning with a dog relieving itself in your handbag (and you being unable to clean it out and having to carry bits of said poop around with you for the next 12 hours as life was too busy to head home/to a store for a new purse) and have it end up being a lovely day!

Note to self: Don't call the day a goner over some misplaced feces. Maybe just write off that hour, instead.

I took the dogs to the vet yesterday morning before heading in to set up for Enrichment Night. And wouldn't ya know our little dog got nervous and shared those nerves with me in my purse while I was driving. Of course, I didn't realize what had happened until I was back in the car, having delivered the pooches to the vet, and now running late, was unable to pull over.

Note to self: Thank Mr. Mormon for getting me a sunroof in the car. It really helped air the car out while I drove around. I was freezing with the windows down and might have permanently damaged my nostrils from being stuck in the car with that smell for a long period of time. An open sunroof was the perfect middle ground.

The day had other wonkiness to it, as well. But really, that little event was the proverbial wonky icing on the wonky cake that is my life. What else could I tell you that was bizarre about yesterday that is going to grab your attention like dog doo? The rest will pale in comparison, so I'll keep it to myself.

Blissfully, the day ended with lots of friends and learning and enjoying myself thoroughly. It was wonderful! Whodda thunk?

Note to self: When the animals die, remain pet-free for the preservation of my remaining sanity.


MNBandMom said...

That dog needs to mmmmmeet mmeet meet with an accident

Edward Sizler said...

On behalf of the dog, I will write this in an attempt to justify what she did. Firstly, she was nervous. It's not a fun thing to be, you know! When humans are nervous they do things like twitch or whistle or sweat (very close to poop, by the way), and other annoying things...and we're the 'highest life form' (or so we profess). Secondly, she's old. VERY OLD! Like, in human years she's about 197 or something. Give her a break.

Won't you feel bad if she drops dead? Probably not. But, you should at least pause for a brief second and think, 'What did anyone else give me today that is so personal that you just can't share it with just anyone?' I'm thinking no one.

Well, except me, because this bit of wisdom just doesn't pertain to anyone but you. Wake up and smell the...err....."roses", sister!

Mama said...

The dog was shivering tonight and I still put a blanket on it. Clearly, I'm weak to her.

Egg - you cracked me up. But dog poo in your purse is insulting no matter how you look at it. There's not even a Mandle for that smell!