CHICKEN DINNER!!!!! Our recipient of the...

MM - here is my post to you professing my undying love and devotion.
You are a dinky, scary, frozen-tundra loving liberal, but you like half decent music, so you can pass in my world.
There ya have it! My undying love and devotion has been professed!
In my opinion, your tunes would have been JUST RIGHT for the Valentine's Skate, but the 43-year-old-curly-permed-mullet-wearing-baby-boomer-pretend-hippy-DJ said he couldn't play it because it lacked A. anything by Eminem and B. anything from an animated movie. But know this, I still think it rocked.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! (Go ahead and print that certificate out for yourself, MM, and fill it in.)
Dinky?? Scary?? Tundra loving liberal??
I accept this award and shall honor it always.
I still say you are mocking that chimp by having a monkey on your blog.
Are you even going to deny that you are a dinky, scary, tundra-loving liberal? HELLO!?!
I am snort and I am a liberal...the rest I deny.
SIGH -- I mean I'm SHORT
I think you had it are a snort.
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