Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Riddle me this?

Why is it that female Olympic swimmers are covered from neck to ankle in a state of the art, NASA inspired suit...

...and female Olympic volleyball champs are in skimpy bikinis?

If my bits and pieces were diving for balls in the sand, I'd want that top outfit on, myself. 


B.G. Christensen said...

There's a parallel discrepancy between male swimmers and male divers. I prefer the divers' apparel myself, but I know you have a thing about Speedos. Perhaps female volleyball champs believe, as I do, that bits and pieces are best when shared with friends. Or the world.

MNBandMom said...

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR POST!! It's sooooooooo true!!

I'm sure the Snow Skiers will be nude and the synchronized swimmers will wear parkas.

Mama said...

Fobby - I do have my Speedos issues - but seeing as the Speedo is really about sharing with friends, I'm trying to appreciate its giving nature.

MM - don't turn The Fobmeister on with your nude snow skier comments!!!!!!

MNBandMom said...

So..... I shouldn't mention nude fencing??

Th. said...


I've been wondering about that myself. But on the other hand, sand will eventually get everywhere---and much easier to get it out of skimp that a bodysuit.